
26. 11. 2021

Hello guys,

this is an important message, this morning I’ve opened email and I saw big number of orders from x-plane store… And when this happens I know something is wrong, especially when is some special day like today is.

I’ve discovered that there is 55% discount for Prague. I firmly believe this is only error. This was never allowed on any store even with older sceneries. I wasn’t even asked if I want to do any discount for black friday on x-plane store. In normal store (for example food or clothes) this would be on retailer, which buys product for constant price and then can resell it for any price he want, however in the game business if there is discount, you’re selling it to the store with discount and they got the commission same. (More about that can be found in this article: https://fsnews.eu/editorial-flight-simulation-stores/)

Back to Prague, as this wasn’t approved I’ve decided to freeze all unactivated keys of Prague from x-plane store, until it is sorted out. In case someone buy this key, he will be refunded.

I hope you understand this situation, for Black Friday sale, please visit simMarket or iniBuilds store, where discounts were authorized.

Thank you
